Monday, 11 November 2013
Sailing and Fishing at Humpybong Yacht Club
Gee, what a big weekend. Our cubs had a great time getting out on the water and learning to sail, making fishing hand reels and giving it a go on the jetty...and earning a couple of badges along the way...and all in perfect weather. There are lots of photos (and a video). A great starting point is Cub-Scouts-Come-To-Humpybong. We'll also have some more up on our own website soon.
A big thank-you to Cobra and Zane of the Humpybong Yacht Club for making it such a great camp, and letting us take over their clubhouse!
Another thank-you goes out to our adult helpers: Jeebie, Onaway, Hawkeye, Miss Mowgli and Possum, as well as those parents who helped with transport.
I hope everyone got a good nights sleep last night. We'll see both packs for the District Swimming Carnival tomorrow (Tue).
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Natural Environment Boomerang 11 Part 2
This week we worked to complete Boomerang 11, with craft reusing items like plastic bottles, plastic bags and tin cans. Some of us also got to go on a ramble down to the creek (not much water in it at the moment) to talk about habitats and habitat destruction. On Monday night Royce was invested into the pack and Sara was presented with her Gold Boomerang. A big thank-you to all our Parent Helpers.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Lots Happening
Sunday, 6 October 2013
New Photos
Hi All. It's been a while since I out new pics up (actually since Compass and Navigation in April), but I've now put a lot more on the site. Enjoy!
Monday, 30 September 2013
Term 4
I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. Term 4 kicks off with a Pack Council (Sixers, Seconds and 10yr old cubs by invitation only), as well as Parent Information and New Chums. Our first full pack nights back are the 14/15th of October.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Saturday, 14 September 2013
First Aider
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Skillorama 2013
Skillorama this year was another big success. Well done to all our Cubs. A big thanks goes out to DonnaT, CraigT, PeterP and Kaa for helping out on the day. I'd also like to thank those extra parents who helped with the transport.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Fathers Night!
Fathers (and their cubs) were the focus this week, with bases setup for a Kim's Game, tower building and night navigation....with something to eat afterwards. You know you have good Dad's out there when the two Cub Scout Leaders couldn't build the highest tower (which had to support an orange). Well done Dads.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Boomerang 11
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Cub Scout Traditions
Hi All. Cub Scout Traditions was on the menu this week where we looked at some of the history of Scouting and the Jungle Book for Cub Scouts. The skits put on by the cubs were well done and great to watch.
Next week is Natural Environment.
Next week is Natural Environment.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Outdoor Cooking
This week was outdoor cooking as part of our Outdoor Scouting Boomerang. Cubs made damper twists, hot dogs on a stick and shish-ka-babs. Well done all...although the den floor wont recover for a while from all of the flour. A special thanks to Brendon for staying and helping us out on monday night.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
P & L
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Then and Now
Last week we focussed on Boomerang 6 - Symbols of Australia, and now we have one of those classic scouting activites, Boomerang 3 - Ropes.
See you all this week.
See you all this week.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Welcome Back to Term 3!
Friday, 12 July 2013
Saturday, 22 June 2013
And that's Term 2
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Jungle Book Movie Night
This week was our indoor Jungle Movie Night (which was just as well after all the rain and the mushy ground) in a joint pack night with popcorn and warm chocolate milk. Parents were also given a preview of Cuboree 2014. We also said goodbye to 4 cubs who were taken away by some ninja scouts. Good luck Emma, Jacob, Liam and Struan.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Left and Right
With the Founder of Scouting, Baden-Powell (BP), known for being ambidextrous, this week the cubs were challenged to use both their dominate and non-dominant hands and feet in a number of activities.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Cuboree Fundraising at The Gap Health & Racquet Club
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Self Expression
This week the cubs did a mixture of skits, songs, posters and creative writing. It was a great night, and we saw our future performers, songsters, artists and writers on show. There is a lot of talent in The Gap Cubs.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Bun Run - Boomerang 2 (Safety)
So last night was all about Safety, as part of Boomerang 2, and to get the cubs really involved it was done as a bun run around the neighbourhood. Well done to all, particularly all of the parents who helped out to make sure it was a successful night. I've also just added pictures from the Eprapah Pack Holiday and our Compass Navigation night.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Mothers Day and Awards
With Mothers Day this weekend we invited all of our Mums and others down to the den to spend some time with their cubs. They helped put together food cooked on the fire and some compass navigation. We also awarded the highest of Cub Scout Awards, the Grey Wolf, to Emma, Jack and Jacob. Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!
Friday, 3 May 2013
Saturday, 27 April 2013
ANZAC Day March 2013
Monday, 22 April 2013
Monday, 15 April 2013
ANZAC's and Newbies
and we also had an ANZAC theme. We'd like to thank Mr Richard Speechly (who just happens to be one of The Gap Scout Group' Founding Cub Masters) for speaking to the cubs about some of the history and legacy of ANZAC Day, as well as demonstrating the game of Two-Up...all while scoffing down some well made ANZAC buscuits.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Term 2
...starts this coming Monday and Tuesday.
Monday Pack, please note the 6:15pm start for Opening Parade.
Monday Pack, please note the 6:15pm start for Opening Parade.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Comings and goings...
We had our last night of term on Monday night. We started off with different groups of cubs rambling to different parts of The Gap. We welcomed (invested) Sara, Will and Sol to the Pack, but sadly said goodbye to Ana, Nuno and Pedro who were taken away in a scout abduction, although some of the scouts looked a little like Easter Bunnies.
Grey Wolf
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Cub Scout Leadership Course
Fine weather on Saturday saw a number of our cubs (and one St Johns Wood cub!) do their Cub Scout Leadership training, where we go through roles and responsibilities of being a a Sixer or Second within the pack.
Friday, 22 March 2013
This week the cubs were put through a number of bases to challenge their senses (I wonder how many they can there are five) and we also invested Josh to the pack. Welcome Josh.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Handcraft Part 2
Even though the rain put a hold on our ramble, we still had a great time completing the second round of our Handcraft badge.
Monday, 11 March 2013
As they say...
...the 'best-laid plans of mice and men oft
go astray'. As a result of the wet weather we've had to make some changes to the order of the program for the rest of term. Even though the sun is shining a little today the ground is still to sodden to go on our ramble, so this week will be Part 2 of Handcraft, followed by our Senses program next week, then a joint pack night on the Monday of the last week of term for the Ramble. See the Calendar for the updated timetable.
Handcraft Part 1
Last week both packs got right into our Handcraft activities, with origami, woggle-making, fabric painting and boat building.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Clean Up Australia Day
Sadly we had to cancel our involvement in Clean up Australia Day this year. The continuing wet weather made it just to dangerous given the area we were due to work in. Fingers crossed for next year. If you are interested here is some footage I took of the amount of water going down Enoggera Creek under Walton Bridge this morning. We'll see everyone for Part 1 of Handcraft Mon/Tue.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Many lives saved... our Mock Emergencies nights. With plenty of fake blood and bones, our cubs got right into administering First Aid.
A big thank-you goes to the Scouts and Venturer Scouts who came and put on such strong performances with their variety of injuries.With acting like that, you'll all be on a medical TV show in no time.
A big thank-you goes to the Scouts and Venturer Scouts who came and put on such strong performances with their variety of injuries.With acting like that, you'll all be on a medical TV show in no time.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Founders Day 2013